Syntropy CS:GO Tournament: Powered by DatHost

Game with Syntropy and compete for a $25k prize pool.

Augustas Radziukas
4 min readMay 5, 2021

In gaming, performance parity is crucial. Milliseconds matter. Security is also an ever-growing concern of both tournament organizers and gamers alike. This makes gaming a truly natural use case for Syntropy technology.

We’ve gone into great detail on how Syntropy can make gaming faster, safer, and more competitive. Now, it’s time to start putting our technology to use, gradually bringing these benefits to global gaming communities.

Today we’re excited to announce a Syntropy gaming competition for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, with a total prize pool of $25k.

To support the competition, we’re partnering with DatHost, one of the largest CS:GO hosting companies with over 250,000 users. DatHost is providing us with dedicated gaming servers where they have deployed Syntropy Agent software, allowing gamers to connect to tournament matches through the Syntropy Windows application and Discord integration.

This event will be the first of its kind — a real-world deployment of our technology on a third-party gaming provider’s infrastructure that will be accessed by hundreds of independent gamers.

The Tournament

The tournament will be held on the 5th and 6th of June, the final weekend of the month. We will have slots for 32 teams comprised of 5 players each, which will split the prize pool of $25k paid in NOIA tokens. Only teams with all players residing in Europe will be allowed to participate. The tournament will be broadcasted live.

We will make sure to allocate slots for our long-term community members. However, we will also welcome wider gaming audiences. To keep the tournament competitive, we will select teams according to the average competitive rank. Only complete teams will be able to register.

If you don’t have a team, we have created a dedicated Syntropy Gaming Discord server where you can find teammates for the tournament. Just head to the #tournament-teams channel and let others know.

Team registration will open a couple of weeks before the start of the tournament. Until then, join the waiting list or Syntropy Gaming Discord server to stay updated.

The goal of the tournament is to test Syntropy’s connectivity features in real-world gaming applications. All players will connect to the Syntropy supported gaming server through a Syntropy Windows application, allowing us to test underlying pieces of our technology by simultaneously connecting hundreds of players through secure and dynamic VPN connections.

After we validate these components, we will start to integrate the performance optimization layer. The tournament marks our first steps in the gaming space, and we are excited to build on its potential success.

Syntropy+Gaming Advantages

By gaming on Syntropy, players solve critical challenges related to:


Syntropy dynamic connections are encrypted and secure by default, but not at the cost of performance. They make servers resistant to DDOS attacks and compartmentalize risk to separate connections. There is no front door. Each connection is a unique and isolated event that occurs when a player is connected.

There is also heightened visibility through Syntropy’s UI and logging mechanisms that facilitate monitoring within each endpoint on the network and helps to spot any malicious actors before any damage can be done.


Gaming servers are becoming increasingly overwhelmed with players, but the industry is still trying to win back at the performance by pouring cash into increasingly powerful machines. However, as the number of players grows, the vertical scaling approach becomes unsustainable. Syntropy focuses on autonomous horizontal scaling, where a network can be automatically created whenever one is needed. Organizers are given the architectural tools necessary to design an autonomous and optimized game lobby that can be scaled to any degree as more and more players join and battle one and other.

Using our smart routing protocol (DARP), we connect gamers and servers through optimized connections. The protocol overrides the default Internet path, analyzing thousands of alternative paths and automatically choosing the highest-performing route. If one route becomes congested, Syntropy autonomously redirects traffic, ensuring a consistent and fast experience across all players within a game.

See real-time optimizations being made here.

Gaming With Syntropy

With the launch of the Syntropy Windows application, every player will be able to connect to Syntropy supported gaming servers through secure VPN connections. This is our first real step to entering the gaming space. When our smart routing protocol is integrated into the rest of the technology stack, players will experience unmatched connection performance with substantially reduced ping times.

We have created a separate Discord channel for all Syntropy Gaming discussions. There we will be posting updates on the tournament, and we hope that moving forward, this will become a hub for all Syntropy gamers. Join and chat gaming with us!

