NOIA in August: Oracle Partner, Ambassadors, Uniswap, AMAs and more

Augustas Radziukas
6 min readSep 1, 2020

August is often slow in the northern hemisphere. Shortened days warn of the ending summer, urging us to make the most of the remaining warm weather. At NOIA, nothing has slowed down.

Here is what we achieved:

  • NOIA Network partnered with Oracle by joining its Partner Network, a select group of trusted companies that work together to build, sell, and service cloud-based software.
  • 33 community members worldwide joined the ranks of NOIA Ambassadors, committing to support our executive, marketing, and developer teams.
  • We added $50k worth of liquidity to the NOIA/ETH Uniswap pair.
  • Developers have been working intensely. To assist with launch, we’re scaling the team significantly.
  • The executive team went on an AMA sprint through several Telegram channels.
  • On Twitter, our CTO Jonas shared his thoughts on our partnership with Heficed and laid down 13 reasons why he is bullish on NOIA.
  • The DARP Protocol, which autonomously routes NOIA Network traffic along the lowest-latency paths, underwent significant improvements.

Oracle Selects NOIA for Partner Network

Due to our go-to-market strategy, we have been actively working on enterprise relationships for some time. Our efforts in engaging with these companies are proving to be remarkably fruitful, be it helping with PoC testings, providing infrastructure, or introducing us to potential clients.

Last month, we reached a very significant milestone in one of these relationships: Oracle selected us for its Partner Network.

Starting from early initial engagements, then joining Oracle for Startups program, we consistently climbed the ladder. Now, we can drive adoption with Oracle’s 25+ million cloud users.

Of course, the partnership comes with added benefits, such as being able to list the NOIA Platform on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace, coordinate with their sales VPs to promote awareness, collaborate with their engineering team on development, and receive public relations and marketing support.

Joining Oracle’s Partner Network is a huge stepping stone for us. This enhances our relevancy and credibility, but also expedites our development efforts.

We anticipate strengthening this relationship even further.

NOIA Ambassadors

One year ago, we launched the NOIA Ambassadors Program to more closely involve the community with our executive, marketing, and developer teams.

Our Ambassadors have proven the most dedicated and loyal group we have ever seen in this space. They have been helping us spread awareness over social media, give valuable feedback, manage local communities, and much more. Overall, they are the frontline advocates for our project.

After two successful registration rounds in a year, we once again opened the doors for new members. After successfully passing entry exams, 33 new members joined the ranks of NOIA Ambassadors. By joining the program, they will now work alongside our team and receive exclusive perks for their work, access to select communication channels, personalized videos from co-founders, and more.

They will also receive Ambassador badges on our Telegram group, so if you see an Ambassador, make sure to encourage them with your favourite watermelon picture.

Uniswap Liquidity

DeFi exploded this year. Apart from the obvious popularity of decentralized exchanges and other projects, we see the industry evolving quickly.

In June we listed NOIA Token on Uniswap and observed significant demand for it there. To further contribute to decentralized trading, we added an additional $50k of liquidity into the platform last month.

If you are involved with the NOIA token, make sure to check out the ETH/NOIA pair on Uniswap.



Development Updates

Our developers have been as busy as ever. They are focusing on two workstreams: NOIA Platform adoption and NOIA Network expansion.

The development team continued working on the NOIA Platform, improving its usability and overall user experience, collecting as much feedback from our PoC partners as possible while testing iterations continuously.

With the Platform itself practically complete, they have been shifting more of their focus to the backend aspect of our technology. One of the milestones they achieved is implementing Wireguard, which will enable our future clients to connect to the network more easily and safely.

In regards to the Network expansion, developers have made tremendous progress in updating our node software. The latter will allow us to include tens of thousands of new nodes running on various professional and consumer machines. Any VM, server, router, or NAS device will be able to join freely and become a part of this new Internet. We will be inviting the community to contribute.

As we approach launch, we are hiring more developers. Much more, actually. We will be adding 20+ people to the team over the next few months, mostly targeting Python, NodeJS developers, IT support personnel, network engineers, and frontend developers. We are also forming a dedicated blockchain team.

To delve deeper into our tech progress, we invite you to check out the last two development updates:

Co-founder AMAs

Recently our executive team went on an AMA sprint throughout several Telegram channels. In a single week, they managed to appear in tehmoonwalker, Spectre, and Gagarin communities.

In these AMAs, they received many well-thought-out questions and brought newfound members to our community. We are thrilled with the outcome and extend our thanks to all who participated and invited us.

As with every AMA, we summarized the questions from all three communities, along with responses from the NOIA team, in a separate Medium post.

We promise you will find lots of exciting information on our recent progress, so check it out!

Jonas on Twitter

Our CTO Jonas recently shared some insights on NOIA. A few weeks ago, he explained why Heficed is such a valuable partner to us and how they provide a ton of flexibility when it comes to quickly creating custom networks.

More recently, he went on a Tweetstorm to lay down 13 reasons why he’s excited about NOIA. As we have seen, these Tweets garnered lots of attention on the platform, even being retweeted by well-known thought leaders.

Jonas promised to continue sharing these nuggets moving forward, so make sure to give him a follow!

DARP Protocol

Last but not least is our proprietary Distributed Autonomous Routing Protocol (DARP), which underwent significant updates in the previous month.

Thanks to our efforts in building relationships with major cloud providers, we can now scale the protocol larger than ever, receiving many more one-way latency measurements from more locations. We already see a significant improvement in routing efficiencies, but we can’t wait to expand our network further. With the upcoming node software overhaul, we will soon have thousands of nodes worldwide, all contributing to this revolutionary routing protocol.

More node deployments mean more measurements. That will allow us to better detect anomalies in the wild Internet, and more efficiently find the best possible paths for data to travel.

Exciting times are ahead, and we can’t wait until the network is available to the public. We still have lots of work ahead of us, but with the upcoming expansion of the team and updated node software, we will be closer than ever to our vision of better networks.

Keep track of our progress by following us on Medium, Twitter, Reddit or Facebook. If you have questions, we are always on Telegram.

